The guys at the Eden Project have come up with a great idea to encourage people right across Britain to get to know their neighbours - The Big Lunch! The idea is that the people of Britain to stop what they're doing and sit down to lunch together on Sunday 19th July 2009 for no other reason than to join together in one great big street party.
I think this is a great idea! It's not that some of us don't already know our neighbours or that we couldn't organise an event to get to know each other off our own backs, but in reality how many of us do that??? OK, we might wave hello, stop for a quick chat or even pop in for a cup of tea from time to time, but in some areas people don't even know who lives next door to them, let alone futher down the street. I'm sure it's not because we don't want to know our neighbours or that we don't care, simply that many of us lead busy lives, move house more frequently than people did in the past or maybe we're just shy...
What better way to overcome all of those barriers and spend some time with the people who live so close to us than to share the enjoyment of sitting down for lunch together. It might just be the impetus some of us need to do something with our community. As The Big Lunch puts it:
"Wouldn't it be great if for just one day we remind ourselves about all that is good about us and bring about a moment that ignites a spark?"
For me the idea behind The Big Lunch is all about everyone coming together to share in a day of fun and frolics and contributing what they can, be that homemade food, music, wine, homegrown vegetables, M&S ready made nibbles, entertainment or simply good company. Eating brings people together and I for one am planning on getting involved and hope that my neighbours will join me!
I live on a lovely little street in London which has 25 houses and I'm lucky enough to know quite a few of my neighbours already. But I don't know them all...YET! Come the 19th July I'm hoping to meet them all! So far I've had a great response to the little notes I put through everyone's doors over the weekend so the ball is rolling...
Watch this space for updates!
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